Voter’s List
Voter’s Nomination form
The 73rd General Council Meeting will be held at 5:00 PM on Friday, June 28, 2024 at the Centre. Details of attendance are given in the email. According to the constitution, your organization is entitled to be represented by 3 nominees. Kindly complete and return the form below giving particulars of your nominees as required. Scanned copy of the form can be emailed to
We enclose the Agenda for the meeting. Please arrange to (i) have 2 extra copies of the Agenda made in your office and (ii) get a copy delivered to each of your 3 nominees. For greater benefit to the Institution and for the furtherance of the aims and objects of the Society, the Institutional Members have preferred in the past to nominate senior members of staff from HR and other main functions.
To: Pakistan Society for Training and Development Plot No. TC-3, 34th Street, Phase V (Extension) Defence Housing Society, Karachi –75500.
73rd General Council Meeting
We nominate the following to represent us on 73rd General Council Meeting to be held on Friday, June 28, 2024. We confirm that a copy of the Agenda ref: 73rd General Council Meeting has been given to each nominee.
All membership dues by institution need to be paid by June 18, 2024 to be eligible for voting.