Zaufyshan Hasan

An experienced Life Coach, Zaufyshan lives her life empowering individuals globally to excel beyond their own ‘perceived abilities’ and enjoy the career and life they ‘wish’ for. Her practical and inspiring coaching / training programs help people tap into their ‘potential’ so they can improve performance at work and achieve success in all aspects of our life, namely, Individual life, Family life and Professional life maintaining a fine and healthy balance, for a more content and happier life. Zaufy helps people gain clarity on what they want and how to achieve it. Through an individualized coaching program, She works with them in their journey of self-awareness to assess where they are now, where you want to be and “Action Points” to bridge the gap. Zaufy helps people overcome any barriers, roadblocks, challenges or fears standing between dreams. Zaufy was educated in the area of ‘Human Development & Behavioral Psychology’, she achieved her distinction in MSc in 1986. A behavioral psychologist with extensive senior management experience helps her to blend ‘practical knowledge of psychology’ and ‘management experience’ to ‘design and conduct’ coaching/training programs. Zaufy started Intek Solutions 21 years ago and since then, has been actively involved in training and coaching thousands of people. Her audiences absolutely love her due to her empathic personality and ability to influence people positively, in all area of life. Active participation in charity and humanitarian institutes gave her a purpose in life, by helping develop sustainable action plans for developing countries. Her training portfolio has reputable NGOs and commercial organizations. Apart from training and coaching commitments, she is an active blogger and the Editor of Intek Solution’ self-development newsletter – Life-Skills, with a vast readership accumulated over the past 21 years. The emphasis in her coaching/training methodology is on self-awareness, thought provoking exercises and a better future direction through visualization and other reframing coaching techniques. She takes keen interest in research and development of coaching programs, keeping in mind that each individual is unique, both in genetic make-up and behaviors, making every program an exclusive experience, which she enjoys as a passion and hobby. To maintain comfort of her coachees she starts a coaching relation by signing a ‘confidentiality agreement’, while mutually agreeing on objectives that need to be achieved. Her conviction with regard to potential in human beings, to excel beyond their imagination, is forms a very strong base in her coaching/training. The key to success is self-belief and commitment. Zaufyshan evokes a positive self-response within individuals, so that they start believing in their own capabilities. It gives her personal satisfaction to witness her coachees go through a paradigm shift during and after the sessions. Her mission in life is to assist individuals flourish and progress even during extreme stress and adverse circumstances and also be a source of positivity and inspiration for the community, family and colleagues around them. In her coaching projects, Zaufy believes that a Coach / Coachee relationship is for life, and not limited to the official time frame. She develops a personal connection with her coaches, that provides them comfort to keep returning to her on a personal level even after several years.